Din serialul „Legea societăților nr. 31/1990” – un nou episod: Legea nr. 223/2020 privind simplificarea și debirocratizarea transferului de părți sociale și a vărsării capitalului social prin modificarea Legii societăților nr. 31/1990 (în România)
04 01 2021
The title of the present article seems to suggest a happy ending for the new episode of the series that has been preoccupying the business environment for a long time due to the pleasant resonance that two terms produce in the reader’s mind: „simplification” and „debureaucratization”. Furthermore, noting to whom the two terms apply: to the „transfer of shares” and to the „payment of the share capital”, it could be said that the fans of our seri...
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Aporturile sociale – partea a II-a
02 01 2017
This article analyses, in two parts, the shareholders’ contributions to the legal capital of a company. This second part analyses: in-kind contributions; general aspects; utility of the contributed assets and partial payment of the shares; different in-kind contributions; contribution of a property quota; mixt contribution (part of the asset contributed and another part sold); contribution of shares; contribution of the spouses common assets; c...
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Aporturile sociale (partea I)
01 01 2017
This article analyses, in two parts, the shareholders’ contributions to the legal capital of a company. This first part analyses: the notion of contribution; subscription and payment of the shares; legal characteristics and types of subscription; aspects of private international law; default of payment of the shares subscribed; suspension of the exercise of the shareholders’ rights; damages and late payment; foreclosure of the default sharehol...
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Observaţii privind aplicarea dispoziţiilor art. 349 C. civ. în materia societăţilor comerciale reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990
02 01 2013
Community property regime affects both the setting up and the functioning of companies regulated by Law no. 31/1990, in case one of the spouses disposes of the indivisum estate, in order to acquire shares or stocks. Thus, the provisions of art. 349 of the Civil Code should be related to the specific regulations on companies.
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