Societăţi pe acţiuni. Completarea ordinii de zi a unei ședinţe a adunării generale a acţionarilor deja convocate. Apărarea drepturilor corporatiste prin mijloace de drept administrativ
03 01 2022
Violation of corporate rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder can also be sanctioned through administrative law instruments by the Financial Supervision Authority.On the other hand, the vote expressed against the adoption of a decision of the board of directors with the potential to violate the rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder is a manifestation of the will of the natural person – administrator – to exonerate ...
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Probleme teoretice și practice privind obligația de loialitate a administratorului în cadrul grupului de societăți
06 01 2019
The administrator’s loyalty obligation raises a number of problems when the company he manages is part of a group of companies. Who is the beneficiary of the loyalty obligation or to whom does the administrator owe loyalty? What interest should this pursue: the interest of the company or the group? What is the content and extent of his loyalty obligation? Does it extend to business opportunities or not? The lack of legal personality of the grou...
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Expirarea (duratei) mandatului administratorului societății (comerciale)
08 01 2016
The issue regarding the effects arising from the termination of the administrator’s mandate has received different answers in the business practices and, in particular, in the case law, which requires doctrinal clarifications.Our purpose hereby is essentially to determine whether, following the termination of their mandate, the administrator – representative of a company – keeps or not such capacity given that the company has not appoint...
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Condiţiile introducerii cererii de deschidere a procedurii insolvenţei de către administratorul societăţii comerciale debitoare
04 01 2013
The right to decide the opening of the insolvency procedure, the choice of procedure, simplified or general, the designation of the representative responsible for introducing the application and the insolvency practitioner to be mentioned in this application, including the special administrator and the possibility that can safeguard the debtor company by implementing of a judicial reorganization plan are the prerogatives of the management bodi...
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