Propunerea de Regulament privind pieţele criptoactivelor și de modificare a Directivei (UE) 2019/1937
Numărul 3 Anul 2022ABSTRACT
The article is dedicated to the examination from a theoretical and normative
perspective of the Proposal for a EU Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets, and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 („MiCA Regulation”). MiCA Regulation will replace existing European Union Member States’ legislation applicable to cryptoassets, which are not covered by the EU existing legislation on financial services.
Keywords: | market abuse, crypto-assets, MiCA, MiFID II, EMD2, crypto-assets issuer, crypto-assets service provider, financial instruments, electronic money (e-money), crypto-assets issuance, crypto-assets admission to trading, e-money tokens, asset referenced tokens, utility tokens, security token, exchange, custody, White Paper, stablecoins, Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Initial Exchange Offering (IEO). |
Articolul este dedicat examinării din perspectivă teoretică și normativă a Propunerii de Regulament UE privind pieţele criptoactivelor și de modificare a Directivei 2019/1937 (”Regulamentul MiCA”). Regulamentul MiCA va înlocui legislaţiile existente ale Statelor Membre ale Uniunii Europene aplicabile criptoactivelor, care nu sunt acoperite de legislaţia existentă a UE privind serviciile financiare.
Legislaţie relevantă: | Directiva 2019/1937/UE, Directiva 2014/65/UE (MiFID II) |
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