Articole din categoria: Numărul 7

Piaţa relevantă – câteva explicaţii necesare
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
This paper is addressed to those interested in and involved in the application of the legal norms regulating competition and it aims to make a brief presentation of a key-concept for the enforcement of the competition law – the relevant market. The presentation is a panorama of all the essential aspects of the concept – those on which the concept is based, composed of and to which the concept is directed – but without any assumption that the p...
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Succintă analiză a unor dispoziţii contrare din regulamentul Curţii de Arbitraj Comercial Internaţional de pe lângă Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a României şi ale proiectului noului Cod de procedură civilă
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The objective of this study is a brief critical and comparative analysis regarding some contrary dispositions contained in the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (further referred to as the Regulation), the Rules of Arbitration of the Arbitration Court (the Rules) and the project of the new Code of Civil Procedure (the Code)...
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Supraîndatorarea consumatorilor de credite: concept echivoc, soluţii lacunare
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The paper approaches the issue of conceptualizing credit consumer overindebtedness, from the perspective of the over-indebtedness defining elements, of the over-indebtedness measurement models and of the causes of this patrimonial situation. The paper argues the idea of equivocality of the concept of consumer over-indebtedness, underlines the difficulty of adopting a set of criteria for measuring the indebtedness and highlights the complex cau...
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Facilitatea de credit – discuţie pe marginea prevederilor art. 2193-2195 din Noul Cod civil
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
This article proposes a view on the impact of the New Civil Code on a credit instrument of Anglo-Saxon origin – the overdraft which was regulated, until the coming into force of the new code, only by BNR (National Bank of Romania) norms, mainly aiming at prudential aspects. As a consequence, the credit institutions had a greater liberty for establishing the related obligations, a liberty which, used while ignoring the norms of the New Ci...
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