Articole de la același autor Dr. Valentin MIRCEA

Este avocat specializat în dreptul concurenței conducand casa de avocatura Mircea & Asociatii. În prezent este Research Fellow la European University Institute (Florența, Italia). A lucrat pentru KPMG şi a fost vice-președinte al Consiliului Concurenței şi șef al Corpului de Control al Prim Ministrului, în 2016.  A devenit doctor în drept (Magna cum Laudae) al Universității din București în anul 2014.
Prezumţia de nevinovăţie în
dreptul concurenţei
Numărul 2 Anul 2018
This paper highlights a frequent error in the analysis, by the public authorities and by the courts, of the infringements of the competition rules provided by Romanian Competition Law 21/1996 and by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The error comes from the fact that, when assessing potential anticompetitive behaviours, especially since the ECHR decision in Menarini Diagnostics case (2011), the presumption of innoc...
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Piaţa relevantă – câteva explicaţii necesare
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
This paper is addressed to those interested in and involved in the application of the legal norms regulating competition and it aims to make a brief presentation of a key-concept for the enforcement of the competition law – the relevant market. The presentation is a panorama of all the essential aspects of the concept – those on which the concept is based, composed of and to which the concept is directed – but without any assumption that the p...
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