Facilitatea de credit – discuţie pe marginea prevederilor art. 2193-2195 din Noul Cod civil

Numărul 7 Anul 2012
Revista Numărul 7 Anul 2012


This article proposes a view on the impact of the New Civil Code on a credit instrument of Anglo-Saxon origin – the overdraft which was regulated, until the coming into force of the new code, only by BNR (National Bank of Romania) norms, mainly aiming at prudential aspects. As a consequence, the credit institutions had a greater liberty for establishing the related obligations, a liberty which, used while ignoring the norms of the New Civil Code, could lead to the interpretation of some clauses as being of an abusive nature from the perspective of the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 50/2010 approved by Law no. 288/2010.


overdraft, the line of credit contract, credit institution, credit facility, art. 2193- 2194 of the New Civil Code, Emergency Government Ordinance no. 50/2010 on the credit contracts with the consumers.


Articolul propune o viziune asupra impactului Noului Cod civil asupra unui instrument de creditare de origine anglo-saxonă – overdraft-ul ce era reglementat până la intrarea în vigoare a noului cod doar de norme BNR, dar care vizau în principal aspecte de ordin prudenţial. Ca urmare instituţiile de credit aveau o mai mare libertate în stabilirea obligaţiilor corelative, libertate care folosită în continuare cu ignorarea normelor Noului Cod civil, ar putea duce la interpretarea unor clauze ca având caracter abuziv din perspectiva O.U.G. nr. 50/2010 aprobată prin Legea nr. 288/2010.

Legislaţie relevantă: C. civ., art. 2193-2194; O.U.G. nr. 50/2010
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