Reguli europene uniforme privind conflictul de legi în materia delictului civil
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
With the purpose of ensuring a unique internal market for all Member States of the European Union, governed by the free movement of persons and judgments principle, the European legislator has adopted numerous regulations on private international law, which attempt to solve, in a uniform manner, the conflict of laws arising out of private legal relations with foreign elements. In this article, we will examine the uniform rules for solving con...
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Soluționarea conflictelor de legi din acțiunile în răspundere pentru produse defectuoase
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
Given the constant growth of international commerce, by concluding commercial relations by professionals, as well as nonprofessionals, it is highly important for the legislation to keep up with the market evolution, with the undeniable realities of living in a society that is geared towards consumption and internationalization and that is governed by technological advancements.National legislations, as well as international legislations ...
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Competenţa jurisdicţională şi efectele hotărârilor străine în materia procedurilor de insolvenţă
Numărul 6 Anul 2012
The entry into force of Regulation (EC) no. 1346/2000 constituted the adoption of a single instrument in the EU Member States regulating the main issues of private international law in matters of insolvency proceedings.The regulation has a complex structure, its provisions providing support in dealing with insolvency proceedings with cross-border elements, starting with jurisdiction rules for determining the courts having competence to r...
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Legea aplicabilă procedurilor de insolvenţă potrivit dispoziţiilor Regulamentului (CE) al Consiliului nr. 1346/2000
Numărul 6 Anul 2012
Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings is a key instrument of European law applicable in judicial cooperation regarding procedures with cross-border effects, which ensures efficient and effective functioning of these procedures and which has the main objective of imposing coordination between measures to be taken on an insolvent debtor’s assets.The regulation governs private international law aspects relevan...
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