Teritorialitate și extrateritorialitate – concepte de drept transnaţional
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The concepts of „territoriality” and „extraterritoriality” are considered by scholars as being key-concepts of the transnational law. This article aims to point out how the relationship between the elements of this sui generis couple (territoriality and extraterritoriality, my note) works. The said couple and its way of functioning once were among the most debated issues in the area of international law and conflict of laws altogether, and the ...
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Contractul transnațional – un concept evolutiv
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The notion of „transnational contract” springs from contemporary transnational realities. A number of fields, for example, the field of financial services or the field of insurance and reinsurance services, respectively, provide fertile ground for the practice of transnational law itself. The undeniable transnational realities dilute the distinctions between „domestic contract” and „international contract” and prompt national courts to evaluat...
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Conflictul diagonal de legi – un conflict de conflicte de legi
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The public law character of the concept of conflict of laws encourages us to contemplate, even in a preliminary way, the manner in which the said concept is evolving within the European Union and – why not? – beyond. This time, the Courage case – a particular competition law dispute decided by the European Court of Justice – provides the opportunity to identify the so-called „diagonal conflict of laws” within the European Union and t...
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Europeanul conflict de legi – și un litigiu de afaceri
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
A series of cases drew attention to the link between the concept of conflict of laws and the European Union’s Law. The Ingmar GB Ltd. v. Eaton Leonard Technologie Inc. case law is one of them. I took the liberty to start a preliminary research on such link in the light of the message spread by the above-mentioned dispute. This message invites us all to take note of at least one idea – the neo-Savignian idea of exercising the concept of Europea...
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Lex societatis – o perspectivă de drept transnaţional
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The concept of lex societatis inspired the legal reasoning made in the international and quasi-federal disputes altogether. The Barcelona Traction (1970) and Centros (1999) disputes give an indication on the fate of lex societatis, as a genuine link between the international and domestic legal orders and quasi-federal one of the European Union. This paper debates the way in which lex societatis operates across and b...
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O școală de drept comercial
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
Cross-border business needs conceptualization. One of the Schools of Transnational Commercial Law that responded to this need constitutes the object of this academic analysis. The international harmonization of commercial law is closely related to the ideas spread by the school under discussion. International instruments of harmonization are plural and diverse in nature, as are the academic approaches to these instruments. This article fully ...
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Pieţele fi nanciare – (posibil) domeniu al dreptului transnaţional
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The intellectual project of transnational law covers manifold areas. One of these areas is that of financial markets. Transnational realities invite the financial markets to take into account the mechanism of the transnational law itself. The transnational situations require also the combined use of the international law, the quasi-federal law of the European Union and the national legal systems. The interaction of these legal orders is just ...
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Dinamica dreptului transnaţional
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
The dynamics of transnational law constitues a generous research topic. However, the aim of this article is more modest, limiting itself at preliminarly contemplating the way transnational law is evolving effortlessly. Conceptualized also as a methodological tool, transnational law inspires the so-called „network” contracts and the so-called „organisational contract” of the social life, business life included.The dynamics of internation...
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Dinspre teoria dreptului transnaţional
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
The incentive ‘Towards a theory of transnational law’ suggests the existence of a possible goal. The said goal may amount to an illusion. That is why it seems appropriate to me to come ‘from the theory of transnational law’. The theory of transnational law means an intellectual worldwide project. This article aims to point out at least two developments of the project at stake. The litigation RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Communit...
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Este viitorul dreptului internaţional transnaţional? Două ipoteze comerciale
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
We have been taught to assess international law as being the exclusive ’product’ of the nation-States. In the 21st century, international law became the ‘product’ of the private actors also. At least in the area of commercial life, the concept of ‘transnational law’ encourages such private actors to issue specific rules applicable beyond and not between the territories of the nations-States. The idea of legal pluralism nourishes the identity ...
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