Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Nicolae PLOEȘTEANU

Este conferenţiar universitar la UMFST "G.E. Palade" din Târgu Mureș.
Restrângerea nejustificată a dreptului de a fi reprezentat la înmatricularea autovehiculelor precum și perturbarea mediului concurenţial prin procedura prevăzută în Ordinul M.A.I. nr. 1501/2006
This study analyses the impact of unjustified restrictions on the right to be represented in the vehicle registration procedure and the disruption of the competitive environment through the procedures set out in Order of Ministry of Internal Affair no 1501/2006. By assessing the legislation and administrative practices in this area, we identify discrepancies between the rules imposed and the stated objectives of ensuring fairness and ef...
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Consecinţe ale principiului interesului superior al copilului asupra monitorizării și supravegherii cu mijloace electronice ale acestora
One of the subjects that are specifically protected by the General Data Protection Regulation is the child. The GDPR requires specific protection for children, their data and specific risks to their rights and freedoms. However, one of the most important actions to limit their privacy, carried out in a systemic and global manner with the emergence of technology, is their electronic monitoring and surveillance by parents or those exerci...
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Termenul de prescripție pentru executarea unei hotărâri de angajare a răspunderii solidare potrivit dispozițiilor Legii nr. 85/2014 atunci când pasivul debitorului include și datorii bugetare
In this article we are going to analyze the premises that were the basis of the referral to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the procedure regulated by art. 519 et seq. C. pr. civ., regarding the issue of the applicable legal regime, in particular of the prescription for the execution of a budgetary claim established by a court decision pronounced in the joint liability procedure provided for by law no. 85/2014 on insolvency p...
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Transmiterea datelor medicale ale persoanei decedate către terți, rude sau asigurători
The transmission of medical data of deceased persons is inter alia a processing of personal data and is excluded, as a general rule, from the applicability and protection of the General Data Protection Regulation. National legislation in Romania is not sufficiently satisfactory to allow such a transmission of data, in relation to the requests existing in practice and the interests of various entities, including insurance companies, to ob...
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Distincţia dintre noţiunile eveniment, incident de securitate și încălcare a securităţii datelor cu caracter personal, utilizate de standardul ISO 27001 și de Regulamentul General privind Protecţia Datelor
The application of the GDPR by personal data controllers encounters difficulties in understanding some terms. Among these terms is the term “security incident”, often confused with the term homologous to either the ISO 27001 standard or the NIS Directive. The material highlights that the notion of security incident in the GDPR must be interpreted in a legal sense. It implies the existence of a breach of the right to protection of persona...
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Consideraţii practice și teoretice privind recunoașterea unor hotărâri judecătorești pronunţate de o instanţă a unui stat membru al Uniunii Europene
The study aims to address an issue that is specifi cally related to the Romanian private international law, being borderline regulated by EU law regarding de jure recognition of judgements passed in another member state, and also the issue of acknowledging by means of a judicial procedure the inexistence of a case for the refusal to recognise such a judgement. To this end, the study offers possible remedies for the Romanian national ju...
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Realizarea cartografierii prelucrărilor de date cu caracter personal, aspecte practice
Mapping of personal data processing is one of the important technical activities that must be carried out in the case of certain personal data operators. However, the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation has led to a number of problems, some of which are presented in the present paper.
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Cauza pendinte C-101/16 pe rolul CJUE, Paper Consult. O posibilă soluție
By decision of 21 January 2016, Cluj Court of Appeal referred a request for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union under Article 267 TFEU, asking, in essence, whether the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC (the VAT Directive) must be interpreted as precluding the tax authority from refusing a taxable person the right to deduct the VAT owned or paid in relation to a supply of goods, solely on the ground that t...
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