De ce prefer textele negociabile, nu textele de adeziune
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The texts I write (and, in general, the texts that are written in law) are of two kinds: “negotiable” texts and texts “of adhesion”. (…) The texts written for “negotiation” have a different content from that which would have resulted if those texts had been written “for adhesion”. (…) Whoever the reader is, I examine the result of the agreement I propose to reach in terms of “degree of consensus”, not in terms of “assenting to an op...
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Instrumentele normative de protecție a consumatorului supraîndatorat. (Din nou) despre convergență și concurență normativă în loc de editorial
Numărul 5 Anul 2016
The interaction between the mechanisms that build the architecture of the credit consumer protection system (consumer insolvency, datio in solutum, and alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, for now) generates problems of normative convergence and competition, in what concerns consumer’s access to the procedure, and especially to the benefit of residual debt discharge, an essential point for the effectiveness of the instruments...
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Convergență normativă sau concurență normativă? Accesibilitatea procedurii insolvenței persoanei fizice și a procedurii de soluționare alternativă a litigiilor în domeniul bancar
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
Two important mechanisms of the architecture of consumer protection systemsimultaneously start in Romania: consumer insolvency and alternative disputeresolution for consumer disputes. This study is a comparative critical analysisregarding consumer’s access to these procedures, an essential point for theeffectiveness of the instruments for consumer protection.
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Adnotări la Kásler c. OTP Jelzálogbank. Cheie de lectură a unei hotărâri a Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene privind clauzele abuzive în contractele de credit de consum
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
The Court of Justice of the European Union held on a request for a preliminary ruling (Kásler v OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt, C-26/13, 30 April 2014) concerning the allegedly unfair contractual term relating to the exchange rate applicable to repayments of a loan denominated in a foreign currency. This paper gives further explanations for the answers of the Court and analyses the relevance of these answers for the Romanian consumer of CHF de...
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Efectele erga omnes ale hotărârilor judecătoreşti pronunţate în acţiunile în eliminarea clauzelor abuzive din contractele standard de consum
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The paper analyses the new collective actions for elimination of unfair terms from consumer contracts with regard to the effects of the judgments rendered in these cases. The judicial instruments for correcting unfair terms from standard contracts create an incomplete mechanism which produces an improper erga omnes effect.In the context of postponing this regulation, a legislative intervention is required for optimizing judgment...
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Scrisoarea de garanţie bancară ca formă a creditului bancar
Numărul 4 Anul 2013
The paper approaches the letter of bank guarantee focusing on its status of bank credit instrument, arguing that it should be qualified as a species of bank loan and analysing the consequences of such qualification, given the absence from the new Romanian Civil code of a general regulation of bank loans and knowing that the regulation provided by the new Romanian Civil code to the letter of bank guarantee as an autonomous personal guarantee d...
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Supraîndatorarea consumatorilor de credite: concept echivoc, soluţii lacunare
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The paper approaches the issue of conceptualizing credit consumer overindebtedness, from the perspective of the over-indebtedness defining elements, of the over-indebtedness measurement models and of the causes of this patrimonial situation. The paper argues the idea of equivocality of the concept of consumer over-indebtedness, underlines the difficulty of adopting a set of criteria for measuring the indebtedness and highlights the complex cau...
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