Despre „dreptul părţilor să înmulţească ori să restrângă contractual cauzele de excludere”
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
By Decision no. 28/2021, the High Court of Cassation and Justice appears to have been created problems instead of resolving legal issues. Thus, in this paper we aimed to identify them rather than clarify them, and show that the release itself needs release.
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Succintă prezentare a modificărilor aduse în anul 2020 Legii societăţilor nr. 31/1990
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
In 2020, the Companies Law was amended three times. Although not all of them are significant, the changes are likely to facilitate the creation and operation of companies. However, they are not sufficient to meet, on the one hand, the real needs of company partners in the decision-making process and, on the other hand, to solve law enforcement problems, which both theoreticians and practitioners have long time ago identifi ed in company law.
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Cum scriu?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I think I write when I have something to say. It is an impetus of anyone concerned with law, with the world, with the way world and times change, of anyone who intellectually pursue the truth and the good. My goal for the text is to let the truth shine, bring the light to dissipate the darkness, bring clarity where everything is obscure.
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Probleme teoretice și practice privind obligația de loialitate a administratorului în cadrul grupului de societăți
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The administrator’s loyalty obligation raises a number of problems when the company he manages is part of a group of companies. Who is the beneficiary of the loyalty obligation or to whom does the administrator owe loyalty? What interest should this pursue: the interest of the company or the group? What is the content and extent of his loyalty obligation? Does it extend to business opportunities or not? The lack of legal personality of the grou...
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Examenul jurisprudenței în materia reprezentării societății și răspunderii civile a administratorilor față de societate
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
Irregularities in the company’s internal decision-making process cannot affect the validity of the company’s acts concluded with outside third parties, where the company’s agreement was based on the legal representatives’ authority to act, not on a resolution of the shareholders’ general meeting. However, case law is not unitary in this sense. When it comes to directors’ liability, views may differ on the very nature of such liability, ...
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Observaţii privind aplicarea dispoziţiilor art. 349 C. civ. în materia societăţilor comerciale reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990
Numărul 2 Anul 2013
Community property regime affects both the setting up and the functioning of companies regulated by Law no. 31/1990, in case one of the spouses disposes of the indivisum estate, in order to acquire shares or stocks. Thus, the provisions of art. 349 of the Civil Code should be related to the specific regulations on companies.
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