Drepturile şi obligaţiile derivate din calitatea de proprietar al obligaţiunilor emise de o societate şi cea de emitent al acestora
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
The issuing of bonds is a way of financing the activity of the company and is a type of financing much more inexpensive than the ones offered by banks, recommending it for attracting necessary funds.
bonds, bond...
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Controlul legalităţii actelor administrative şi de sancţionare referitoare la organizarea funcţionării şi funcţionarea în concret a pieţei de capital
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
The legality of the administrative, regulative or individual, acts, issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority for the organization of the working capital market are made using the administrative legal department procedures. The disproof of the sanctioned acts, issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority, will be analyzed by a specialized court, the Bucharest Court of Appeal, with the enforcements of the legal general provisions referring...
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Organizarea şi desfăşurarea adunării generale a acţionarilor societăţilor pe acţiuni admise la tranzacţionare
Numărul 1 Anul 2014
Conducting a General Meeting of Shareholders is a step in the mechanism of forming the corporate will and is regulated by rules of public order, their observance having the purpose of protecting the shareholders, the company and third parties, thus ensuring the stability of legal relationships.
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Convocarea şedinţei adunării generale a societăţii pe acţiuni
Numărul 12 Anul 2013
The procedure for convening a General Meeting of Shareholders is a step in the mechanism of forming the corporate will and is regulated by rules of public order, their observance protecting the shareholders, the company and the third parties, thus ensuring the stability of legal relationships.
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Administrarea şi conducerea societăţilor de investiţii
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
The board of directors and the managers of the company, for the companies managed in the unitary system, or the supervisory board and the manager, in the case of the companies managed in the dualist system, are organs of the stock company which, even though lack legal personality, hold the totality of management prerogatives of the company. They are characterized by the doctrine as collegial management organs of the stock company, ex...
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Controlul activităţii entităţilor reglementate şi supravegheate de către Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară
Numărul 3 Anul 2013
The inspection of the activity carried out by the administration and management bodies organized in the entities regulated by the Law number 297/2004 and the Emergency Decree of the Government number 32/2012 is ensured by a number of institutions functioning with these bodies: the auditors of the company, statutory and internal, with the mission of exerting a permanent control of the bodies responsible with the management of the company; the ...
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Regimul juridic al dreptului de preferinţă şi al dreptului de alocare
Numărul 10 Anul 2012
The capital market, the ensemble of relations and mechanisms through which available funds are attracted from the economy and placed with economic agents or public and private entities, on long and medium terms, has movable valuables at its core (financial instruments specific to a market economy).Shares, movable valuables with variable income, are highlighted in particular through the rights incurring from the ownership of shares, amon...
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