Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: scriere academică

Cum scriu?
When I write an article, I am trying to transmit not only the information I found through my research, but also my view on that subject, to persuade that I can contribute with an interpretation (in a broad sense) that may brink added value. (…) The process of learning [in the field of style] is a solitary one and, for most of its part, based on the trial-and-error method: every author is responsible to find his or her own models and his ...
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Cum scriu
For the most part, added value comes from a new perspective, most often identifiable in other systems of law or even in other fi elds of study. However much we might wish otherwise, it is exceptionally rare that we can claim paternity over a question of law. Almost always, in its substance, the researched problem will have been formulated before, perhaps in other words, in other times, in a different place or with a different starting point. C...
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Cum scriu?
I think I write when I have something to say. It is an impetus of anyone concerned with law, with the world, with the way world and times change, of anyone who intellectually pursue the truth and the good. My goal for the text is to let the truth shine, bring the light to dissipate the darkness, bring clarity where everything is obscure. ...
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