Repararea prejudiciului în materia fondurilor europene: oricând, oricum și de câte ori dorește creditorul?
05 01 2024
The panoply of legal instruments which the legislator consecrates for reparation of damage and who cares to several branches of law can instill to the creditor the illusion of the possibility of simultaneously resorting to all of them or of establishing an order of their use according to subjective criteria.A concrete example in this regard will be analyzed in the present study and it concerns the matter of non-reimbursable funds face t...
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Insolvenţă și creanţe fiscale. Un studiu de caz
05 01 2024
The particular nature and the development of Tax Law in recent years in Romania is raising certain questions when it comes to Tax Law’s relationship with other procedures. In this contribution, the author analysis a case that was decided both by an insolvency court and a tax court, with the consequence that the same tax decision was considered both ineffective and effective from a legal point of view.
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Clauza de rezervă a dreptului de proprietate în procedura insolvenţei. Despre opozabilitatea „inopozabilă” sau în căutarea oximoronului juridic perfect
02 01 2022
The reserve of the title until the full payment of the price (Pactum reservati domini donec praetium solvitur) under the civil and then commercial sale contract had a vertiginous development in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it was not expressly regulated in the Civil Code or the Commercial Code, a wide range of solutions had been released over time – from challenging the validity of this clause by jurisprudence and doctrine, t...
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Insolvenţa și pandemia –noutăţi legislative
06 01 2020
Adoption and entry into force in 2014 of Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency prevention and insolvency procedures led to the modernization of insolvency legislation in Romania.The year 2020 has brought major global challenges, with the coronavirus pandemic causing unrest on all fronts, with significant effects on the global and national economy.Law no. 55/2020 aimed to provide some additional protection measures to companies in financia...
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Cererea de admitere a creanţelor la masa credală. Înscrierea în tabelul definitiv a creanțelor beneficiare a unei cauze de preferință
06 01 2017
In the final table of claims drafted during when opening of the insolvency proceedings, in the case of the creditors who are beneficiaries of a cause of preference, together with the receivable shall be entered its accessories, too.
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Câteva consideraţii cu privire la compensația legală în procedura insolvenţei
02 01 2016
The institution of legal set off suffered several modifications during the transition from the old Civil Code to the new Civil Code. Some alterations were foreseeable and understandable; others were the illustration of a sinuous legislative dynamics.The combination between national legislative “mutations”, bankruptcy rules related to compensation, and European rules regarding set off will generate “the recipe for success”. The issue is w...
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