Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: prejudiciu

Repararea prejudiciului în materia fondurilor europene: oricând, oricum și de câte ori dorește creditorul?
The panoply of legal instruments which the legislator consecrates for reparation of damage and who cares to several branches of law can instill to the creditor the illusion of the possibility of simultaneously resorting to all of them or of establishing an order of their use according to subjective criteria.A concrete example in this regard will be analyzed in the present study and it concerns the matter of non-reimbursable funds face t...
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Răspunderea membrilor organelor de administrare ale societăţii insolvente (Partea I – Răspunderea în procedura de drept comun)
Personal liability of the directors towards the creditors follows the liability of the legal person, the one that is damaged by the torts of the directors, so that it aims to reintegrate the corporate assets. The damage thus affects the legal person and only indirectly and implicitly the creditors, the latter being the recipients of the compensation only in the case of the judicial liquidation of the legal person.The personal liability c...
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Câteva considerente cu privire la regresul asigurătorului în cazul asigurării obligatorii de răspundere civilă auto în reglementarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului României nr. 54/2016 privind asigurarea obligatorie de răspundere civilă auto
By Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 54/2016 regarding automobile liability insurance for damages caused to third parties by vehicle and tram accidents, which abrogates Law no. 136/1995 regarding insurance and reinsurance in Romania, the possibility that the payment of damages is being done directly by the own RCA insurer of the injured party, by way of direct compensation method, as well as the possibility of the policy hold...
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Probleme controversate privind evaziunea fiscală, din perspectiva dreptului penal și procesual penal
The paper points out a number of practical aspects and jurisprudential orientations on the crime of tax evasion, including the liability of the legal person and the status of antifraud inspectors. Keywords: Law no. 241/200...
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Efecte ale insolvenţei antreprenorului cu privire la contractul de antrepriză în contextul noii legi a insolvenţei
11 01 2014
The initiation of insolvency proceedings against a contractor performing construction works is likely to cause detriment to the client considering the latter’s limited rights under Romanian law in case of the contractor’s default and the divergent case law on their enforceability. This article focuses on the client’s most important concerns and tries to determine to which extent these concerns are likely to be mitigated by the entrance into f...
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