Accesoriile creanţelor care beneficiază de o cauză de preferinţă în procedura insolvenţei
06 01 2020
Pursuant to art. 103 of Law no. 85/2014, the claims benefiting from a cause of preferance are entered in the final table and / or in the final consolidated table, as the case may be, at the value corresponding to the good affected by the guarantee, as it is assessed by the appraiser, according to International Evaluation Standards.The legislator imposes a maximum limit on the value resulting from the valuation, namely the value (amount)...
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Provocările profesionale aduse de Directiva privind restructurarea și insolvența
06 01 2019
The Directive regarding the restructuring and insolvency is intended to set out some business recovery proceedings based on an out-of-court reorganization plan. The business recovery plan represents the core element around which the architecture of any restructuring shall be shaped. The manner in which such a plan is intended to operate at the time the claims satisfaction percentage and modality are submitted to examination, translates in fact...
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Intrarea debitorului în faliment – procedură, cazuri, efecte
04 01 2017
Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency proceedings regulates, in addition to the judicial reorganization procedure, the bankruptcy procedure, which applies in cases expressly provided by law, being the final solution through which creditors can satisfy their claims.
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