Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: părți sociale

Protecția creditorilor sociali în procedura de retragere și excluderea asociaților
Withdrawal and expulsion have effects not only over one’s position as a member of a company, by ceasing the membership, but also over the net assets of the issuer of the respective shares, own by the withdrawn or expelled member. These are acquired by the issuer, which either cancel them, either keep them as treasury.Due to the fact that members’corporate claims are satisfied over the very issuer, the question raised is the protection o...
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Controverse privind executarea silită a părților sociale ale societăților cu răspundere limitată pentru datoriile personale ale asociaților
11 01 2015
The article examines the possibility of enforcement on the shares of a limited liability company owned by an associate who is also a debtor, given the recent changes to the Law on Companies no. 31/1990 trough Law no. 152/2015 amending and supplementing certain regulations in the field of registration in the trade register. The author concludes that these shares may not be freely enforceable even in the context of the new legislation, bringing ...
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