Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: noul Cod de procedură civilă

Discuţie în legătură cu exercitarea căilor de atac împotriva deciziilor Consiliului Naţional de Soluţionare a Contestaţiilor în lumina recentei modificări a Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 34/2006 operată prin Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 51/2014
The legal-jurisdictional chain drive in our country has shown a series of controversial issues regarding the review procedures against the decisions issued by the National Councils for Solving Complaints, issues that are of common knowledge to the public procurement experts. Despite of these facts, which were subject matter to a series of amendments, brought to the G.E.O. no. 34/2006, the aim of this article is not to summarize or resume the ...
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Câteva aspecte de noutate aduse de noul Cod de procedură civilă în procedura arbitrală
The article presents the issues that the current Code of Civil Procedure clarifies with regard to certain doctrinal and arbitral jurisprudence controversies, as well as the way of implementing some solutions of arbitral practice at the legislative level. Keywords:
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Medierea – la granița dintre un scop nobil și o reglementare îndoielnică
A relatively new, compromise-based form of justice in the Romanian legislation, mediation has increasingly been subject to debate within the framework of the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, because, while changing the common procedural rules relating to non-criminal litigations, a new preliminary, pre-trial procedure was introduced, namely the mandatory information on the benefits of mediation. As a new institut...
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Succintă analiză a unor dispoziţii contrare din regulamentul Curţii de Arbitraj Comercial Internaţional de pe lângă Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a României şi ale proiectului noului Cod de procedură civilă
07 01 2012
The objective of this study is a brief critical and comparative analysis regarding some contrary dispositions contained in the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (further referred to as the Regulation), the Rules of Arbitration of the Arbitration Court (the Rules) and the project of the new Code of Civil Procedure (the Code)...
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Aspecte de noutate cu privire la procedura arbitrajului în reglementarea noului Cod de procedură civilă
03 01 2012
Law no. 134/2010 regarding the Civil Procedural Code is expected to enter into force in June current year. As far as arbitration is concerned, articles 533-612, Book IV, „About arbitration” of the new Romanian Civil Procedural Code introduce new provisions regarding modernization of the arbitral procedure according to the technological development, disputes arbitrability, eligibility criteria for arbitrators, competent court to settle inciden...
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