La compétition réglementaire pour sociétés et actionnaires dans l’Union européenne
02 01 2018
This article discusses regulatory competition for companies and shareholders in the European Union and concludes that it follows the American pattern. The article places an emphasis on the regulatory competition for listed companies.
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Probleme de guvernanţă corporativă în distribuirea profitului societăţilor prin răscumpărarea de acţiuni
01 01 2014
In a comparative approach the paper deals with share repurchase as a manner of profit distribution and corporate governance dilemmas raised when a company elects this method for profit distribuiton. In case of American companies, share repurchases are a common practice, but it is arguable that it is able to ensure a fair treatment among different categories of shareholders and between shareholders and stakeholders. A fraudulent utilisation of sh...
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Mecanismele de guvernanţă a întreprinderilor de stat în reglementarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 109/2011 privind guvernanţa corporativă a întreprinderilor publice
09 01 2012
It is an undisputable fact that state-owned enterprises have become, in the last two decades, a black hole of the national economy, which absorbs far more public resources than it creates. Under the recent agreements with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, the Romanian government undertook the obligation to privatise the most significant state -owned enterprises in its portfolio.As a prerequisite for...
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Reforma guvernanţei întreprinderilor publice sub aspectul protecţiei acţionarilor şi transparenţei, în temeiul Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 109/2011
08 01 2012
The reform of state-owned enterprises’ corporate governance through the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 109 from December 14, 2011 is mostly noticed as the promoting the „private management” of these entities. However, considering the imminent privatization of significant state-owned enterprises, the legal cornerstone of the reform relates rather to the improvement of minority shareholders protection and to the enhancement of these entitie...
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