Noile criterii de individualizare a cuantumului zilei amendă în cazul persoanelor juridice ca urmare a modificării Codului penal prin Legea nr. 214/2023
04 01 2023
Following the decision of the Constitutional Court no. 708/2021 the Law no. 214/2023, has provided the criteria for determining the amount of a day‑fine.In the content of the article, the criteria established by the legislator are analyzed, on the one hand, in the case of legal persons that have the obligation to prepare annual financial statements or, as the case may be, in annual accounting reports (total income and total assets), and,...
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Forma proiectului de fuziune sau divizare
06 01 2020
Practice and much of the doctrine present the document of merger or division as an authenticated one, which is a mistake. Firstly, the document is not the decision of the general assembly, and this, as negotium juris, is not a legal act but a sui generis act. Secondly, the document is the plan of merger or division, which is then subject to approval by the general assembly or assemblies. Unfortunately, the mistake is based on...
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Divizarea societăţilor comerciale – operaţiune în frauda creditorilor. Examen jurisprudenţial
02 01 2016
The purpose of the study is to analyze the answer of the judiciary practice to the issue of sanctioning a less ”orthodox” manner of defrauding the unsecured creditors – by allotting and grouping the ”undesirable” creditors to a certain entity resulted from a division, followed by a collective procedure. This ”modus operandi” is more frequently used whereas the unsecured creditors lack the effective procedures – oposition to division –...
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Desprinderea reglementată de art. 2501 din Legea societăţilor – între divizare şi aport la capital
12 01 2014
The article outlines the institution of separation of patrimony as regulated by the Companies Law no. 31/1990 in the context of analyzing the rules on division from a historical perspective, as well as from the perspective of European law and comparative law. It analyzes the separation of patrimony for the company’s benefit and the contribution in kind of a company, the distinction between the separation of patrimony and the contribution in k...
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