Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: control

Despre „dreptul părţilor să înmulţească ori să restrângă contractual cauzele de excludere”
By Decision no. 28/2021, the High Court of Cassation and Justice appears to have been created problems instead of resolving legal issues. Thus, in this paper we aimed to identify them rather than clarify them, and show that the release itself needs release. Keywords:
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Controlul în materia garanţiilor financiare
Without intending to cover a complete presentation of the financial collateral and related legal issues arising from the entering into such agreements, we tried to make a short analyses of the aspects that, in our opinion, may trigger different interpretations in practice. From this perspective, we intend to review the legal concept of control, concept characteristic to financial collateral. Thus, considering that the institution of control is...
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