Contractul ca un cal troian sau cum să prelucrezi datele consumatorilor în interes de marketing cu toată dragostea
04 01 2024
The article criticizes how the presumption of lawful acquisition of assets is often either applied inconsistently or overlooked in practice. While, in theory, this presumption provides essential safeguards to protect citizens in a democratic state from abuses of power, in practice, the burden of proof is frequently shifted onto individuals, requiring them to prove their innocence or the legal origin of their assets, despite their compliance wi...
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Fiducia. Părţile şi caracterele contractului de fiducie
02 01 2017
Certain discussions related to the parties of the trust, but also to the fiduciary transaction have been carried out in previous articles. In the present study only particular aspects are to be highlighted. Also, considerations regarding the character of the trust will be presented as it results from the novelty conception of the Romanian legislator.
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Fiducia. Analiza definiţiei legale. Genul proxim
11 01 2016
The usual definition of a concept is carried out by indicating the genus proximum (genus proximum is the reference point, the closest in meaning to the notion that is defined) and differentia specifica (characteristic feature of the concept that distinguishes it from other concepts contained in genus proximum). In the following we tried to capture the genus proximum – trust. In a future study we will aproach t...
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Dreptul de opțiune al practicianului în insolvență cu privire la soarta contractelor debitorului, în curs la data deschiderii procedurii – „corsetul” libertății contractuale. Evaluarea despăgubirilor la care este îndreptățit contractantul debitorului în insolvență în cazul denunțării speciale reglementată de art. 123 din Legea nr. 85/2014 (art. 86 Legea nr. 85/2006)
03 01 2016
In the insolvency proceeding (actually regulated by Law no. 85/2014 and previously Law no. 85/2006) the prerogative of dismissal/unilateral termination of the ongoing convention is conferred to a third party – official receiver (or liquidator), which takes over the supervision or management of the insolvent debtor’s activity from the very moment of opening of the proceeding, unilateral termination of the ongoing convention, depending on the p...
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Contractul de intermediere
reglementat de noul Cod civil
01 01 2016
reglementat de noul Cod civil
The intermediation contract, whilst being already mentioned in the abrogated Commercial Code, has been defined and regulated only in the new Civil Code.Aiming to intercede the conclusion of various contracts, the intermediation contract is frequently met in practice as a reals assets brokering contract. Unfortunately, brokerage in real assets is a field that is insufficiently and inadequately regulated by the Romanian law.
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Principiul echilibrului contractual în noul Cod Civil şi în dreptul consumului
03 01 2014
The coming into effect of the new Civil Code meant, among others, the changing of the contractual paradigm based on the principle of autonomy of will. The principle of the contractual balance is the new coordinator of the life of the contract and its conceptual tools are lesion – as vice of consent – and unpredictability. Both institutions are designed to ensure harmony of the content of the contract: the first one, in the initial moment, of i...
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Câteva considerente privind instituţiile juridice ale etapei precontractuale
03 01 2014
Preliminary contracts belong to legal institutions which, in the Romanian legal system, have not been, until the publication of the Romanian New Civil Code, legally regulated by a particular law, the Old Civil Code or the Trade Code did not comprise stipulations which specifically regulate their legal nature and the effects that these „legal constructions” produce. The existent legal provisions did not focus on the pre-contractual phase, but ...
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Cesiunea de contract în reglementarea noului Cod civil
02 01 2013
Under the old Romanian Civil Code the assignement of rights and obligations and the possible substitution of a contractual party were not subject to any legal provisions holding globally the possibility of any contractual position transfer. Therefore, at the time, the scholar aproach was suggesting a divisional view – the dissolution of the contractual transfer concept in different suitable civil institutions ready to offer explain as for the...
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Particularităţi ale creanţelor împotriva averii debitorului insolvent rezultate din contractele de leasing
02 01 2012
Leasing contracts are useful tools for many companies in regard to their activity. Easy to complete and often containing credit conditions more relaxed than the conditions needed in obtaining a bank loan, these agreements are included in the trade funds for a significant number of companies that go insolvent.
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