Ridicarea suspendării acțiunilor judiciare și extrajudiciare ca urmare a deschiderii procedurii insolvenței
03 01 2017
The present study presents issues regarding the request for lifting the suspension of judicial, extrajudicial or enforceable actions for the realisation of the creditor’s claim over the debtor’s assets as provided by art. 75 par. 1 of the Law no. 85/2014 on pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures which creditors that have a preferential claim may have in favour, exception of the principle of suspension of the creditor’s powers to asset and enf...
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Dreptul de opțiune al practicianului în insolvență cu privire la soarta contractelor debitorului, în curs la data deschiderii procedurii – „corsetul” libertății contractuale. Evaluarea despăgubirilor la care este îndreptățit contractantul debitorului în insolvență în cazul denunțării speciale reglementată de art. 123 din Legea nr. 85/2014 (art. 86 Legea nr. 85/2006)
03 01 2016
In the insolvency proceeding (actually regulated by Law no. 85/2014 and previously Law no. 85/2006) the prerogative of dismissal/unilateral termination of the ongoing convention is conferred to a third party – official receiver (or liquidator), which takes over the supervision or management of the insolvent debtor’s activity from the very moment of opening of the proceeding, unilateral termination of the ongoing convention, depending on the p...
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Contractul de muncă în procedura insolvenţei
11 01 2014
After the date of opening of insolvency proceeding, if it was not raised the right of administration, the debtor, by special administrator, is the one who decide on restructuring measures or amendments of the collective agreement, under the supervision of the insolvency administrator. The right to decide on the termination of individual employment contracts belongs to the insolvency administrator/judiciary liquidator, according to art. 123 par...
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Dreptul de administrare al debitorului în noua reglementare a procedurii insolvenţei
07 01 2014
The debtor’s right of administration, consisting of the right to perform his activity, to manage his property and to dispose of it, is exercised through the agency of a special administrator, under the direct supervision of an insolvency administrator, during the observation procedure or reorganization period. Initiating the bankruptcy procedure has the direct effect of cancelling the debtor’s right of administration.The bankruptcy judg...
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