Utilizarea cookie-urilor în lumina legislaţiei privind protecţia datelor cu caracter personal
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
Cookies have become an almost constant presence in the online environment. In such context, site operators need to pay particular attention to the use of such technology, especially from the perspective of the legislation concerning personal data protection in the electronic environment. This text aims at summarising the general legal requirements applicable to the use of cookies and to draw attention, without envisaging to comprehensively dea...
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Dreptul transnaţional și comerţul: posibilă introducere
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
‘Transnational law and trade’ is one of the legal topics which are worth to be debated all over the world. In my paper I suggest some ways of addressing the present and future transnational situations. Past transnational situations may provide a methodological help in this respect.
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Măsuri adoptate la nivel european de flexibilizare a reglementărilor bancare în vederea susţinerii continuităţii activităţii antreprenorilor
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
Given that, amid the restrictive measures imposed by the pandemic coronavirus, economic activities are affected by the bottlenecks created, the European Commission has intervened through a series of measures to streamline the functioning of banking systems so that they can provide the necessary funding for sustaining business continuity and for consumer survival.To this end, the European Commission has adopted a Banking Package to help
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Noţiuni introductive de oratorie judiciară – „Stand up, speak up and shut up”
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
In the age of the IT revolution, knowing is no longer enough. The essential premise of performance is the application of information (know how). The skills needed by legal professionals are no exception, and judicial oratory is the most important form of exposing and capitalizing on information. Eloquence is the nucleus around which revolve all the other elements of oratory before the court.
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