Articole de la același autor Conf. univ. dr. Raul Felix HODOȘ

Este avocat, practician în insolvenţă şi cadru didactic universitar la Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia. Coordonează Secţiunea "Dreptul Noilor Tehnologii" a Revistei Române de Drept al Afacerilor, editată de Wolters Kluwer Romania.
Contractul ca un cal troian sau cum să prelucrezi datele consumatorilor în interes de marketing cu toată dragostea
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The article criticizes how the presumption of lawful acquisition of assets is often either applied inconsistently or overlooked in practice. While, in theory, this presumption provides essential safeguards to protect citizens in a democratic state from abuses of power, in practice, the burden of proof is frequently shifted onto individuals, requiring them to prove their innocence or the legal origin of their assets, despite their compliance wi...
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Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (II)
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. If in the...
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Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (I)
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. The debate...
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Desemnarea administratorului/lichidatorului judiciar: despre protejarea intereselor economice ale participanţilor la procedura insolvenţei în spiritul legii și dincolo de litera ei
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
The paper aims to highlight some controversial aspects of appointing of insolvency practitioners, briefly analyzing some of the interests of participants in insolvency proceedings that may lead to a diversion of the legal text to the detriment of the special principles of insolvency proceedings. In order to ensure the application of the law in their spirit, the role of the judge needs to become more important, including by resolving situations...
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Tratamentul sechestrului penal asigurător instituit în scopul recuperării creanțelor bugetare în procedura insolvenței
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The present paper aims to analyse the effects that the criminal precautionary seizure may have on the assets of the debtor who is in insolvency or bankruptcy procedure and to highlight the special, derogatory nature of the insolvency legislation’ provisions as compared to those of the criminal law regarding the recovery of the debtor’s assets. ...
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