Contractele de administrare a coproprietăţii
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The condominium management agreement is a newly introduced institution in the Romanian Civil Code, which allows for the carving out and rearrangement of the operating principles of a shares-based ownership. Starting from a functional analysis of indivision, the paper aims to explore the uncharted and little-researched terrain of the condominium management contract, establishing theoretical foundations and offering practical solutions.
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Legislaţia privind consolidarea clădirilor interbelice – aspecte fiscale, provocări și propuneri de lege ferenda
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
This article presents the legal framework relating to the consolidation of inter-war buildings, including those pertaining to the immovable cultural heritage, by examining the main pieces of legislation in force as well as the draft legislation initiated locally and nationally and launched for public debate. Within this analysis, the main deficiencies identified with respect to the relevant provisions are rendered – namely the lack of a rigor...
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Câteva consideraţii cu privire la eroare în cazul vânzării având ca obiect operele de artă
Numărul 12 Anul 2013
This article emphasises the error aplicable in a very restrictive field, the artwork circulation. Although the legistator’s defining term is not an unitary one, the scope of an understanding’s sphere concerning the artistically works was achieved by the means of doctrine and jurisprudence. Their originality is essential in being considered as artwork. Synonymic with the mobile cultural goods, the selling purchasing of artworks are feigned in ...
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Scurte considerații asupra fiduciei în reglementarea noului Cod civil
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
In addition to the classical vision of property, taken from the Napoleonic Code of 1804, the New Romanian Civil Code brings new elements of a postmodern nature, which are essential for understanding the concept in current society. The blending of principles specific to continental law (inspired by French, Italian, and Dutch law) with those of the Province of Quebec (of a mixed, continental nature with strong common law implications) creates a ...
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Calificarea după lex fori a unui litigiu cu element de extraneitate de către instanța străină, sub imperiul Convenției Bruxelles I. Excepția necompetenței. Monopolul de jure al Baroului Federal Austriac – ÖRAK asupra reprezentării în faţa instanţelor din această ţară. Lipsa unui avocat de concordanţă
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The comments on this case stand for an analysis of the way in which the foreign court (Austrian court) qualified by lex fori a juridical relation with an foreign element as well as the reasons for which the exception of lack of jurisdiction could not be used due to some procedural impediments (the de jure monopoly of the Austrian Federal Bar Association – ÖRAK over the representation before courts in this country).
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