Profesia de arhitect în România. PARTEA II – Exercitarea profesiei
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
The second part of the series of articles relating to the architect profession is focused on practical aspects of the profession, describing the forms in which it is performed, the actual activity of the architect, his civil liability and other issues of interest. The matters referring to the organisation of the profession have made the object of the first part of this article, published in the Romanian Review of Business Law no. 12/2014....
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Profesia de arhitect în România Partea I – Organizarea profesiei
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
This first part of the series of articles relating to the architect profession concerns the formal aspects related to the organisation of the architect profession in Romania, describing the manner in which the (national) professional bodies operate, as well as the procedure for entering the profession. The aspects related to the performance of the profession – the forms of performance, the actual activity of the architect, its liability and o...
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Dreptul la imagine în contextul distribuirii fotografiilor pe rețelele de socializare
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The article represents a brief overview of the regulation of the right to one’s image and the limits to the use of a natural person’s image, especially by contrast with the right to free speech. Afterwards, the authors analyse the special case of distribution of portraits on social networks, pointing out the possible remedies available to the damaged persons in case of unlawful distribution of their image.
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Câteva provocări juridice legate de adoptarea soluţiilor bazate pe Cloud
Numărul 8 Anul 2014
This article is based on the outline of the presentation made by the author at the „Cloud Computing: challenges and opportunities from data protection perspective” conference organised by Microsoft Romania on 4 June 2014. The contents revolves around what cloud computing means, as well as on some of the legal challenges often encountered in connection with this type of service. Nevertheless, the matters herein are presented in a concise fashio...
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Discuţii privind viciul de consimţământ al violenţei în raporturile dintre profesionişti. Încadrarea violenţei economice
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
This article is mainly intended at discussing the possibility of claiming the vice of consent consisting of violence (threats) in the relations between professionals, as well as the analysis of the concept of economical violence and the conditions thereof. The article starts with a section presenting the regulation of the violence in the new Civil Code, then addressing the claim of violence as a vice of consent in between professionals and fin...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (III)
Numărul 10 Anul 2012
Under this third part of the analysis regarding the resolution and the annulment of contracts as provided under the new Civil Code, the authors are analysing the effects of the resolution, the abatement of provisions, the partial resolution and the prescription of the right to be reimbursed the provisions rendered under the annulled agreement. Moreover, a comparability analysis between the resolution and other methods of agreement cancellation...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (II)
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
In this second part of the analysis regarding the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code the authors review the regulation and practical utility of the unilateral resolution and of the resolutory clauses, insisting on the regulation and consequences of the de jure operation of resolution in certain situations.
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Rezoluțiunea în Noul Cod civil (I)
Numărul 8 Anul 2012
This article represents the first part of a series dedicated to the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code. In this first part the authors review several novelties regulated by the Civil Code concerning mainly the notion and conditions of contract resolution, but also confront issues on which the legal doctrine has had under the previous regulation and continues to have incongruent interpretations (such as the condit...
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