Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: state membre

Negocierea între părți a contractului de credit
The paper highlights the role and importance of negotiation between the parties to the credit agreement in order to achieve the object of the contract. Being the legal instrument through which the parties materialized their goals on the desired consumer credit and offered by the bank; the credit agreement shall contain any provision that would lead to achieving the outcome pursued by the parties.The first phase of negotiation is performe...
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Suveranitatea fiscală naţională versus cooperarea fiscală interstatală
09 01 2015
National sovereignty is an attribute of the state, but also a fundamental principle of relations between states underlying cooperation.Currently, the concept of sovereignty is at the heart of the debate on tax harmonization in the European Union. In the Union, the basic principle is that each state has his fiscal sovereignty, namely the right and exclusive power to establish a system of taxation and apply it on its territory.Howeve...
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Hotărârea Curții Europene privind aplicarea în timp a regulamentului de insolvență în noile state membre
The application in time of the Regulation on insolvency proceedings, which started before the accession of the new Member States and remained in force after the entry into force of EU law (when EU law came into force during the insolvency proceedings) was questionable. Unfortunately, it seems that in the preliminary ruling pronounced in case Erste/B.C.L., the European Court ignored the complexity of the issue as related to private internation...
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Evoluţia jurisprudenţei Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene referitoare la jocuri de noroc şi pariuri sportive: o perspectivă asupra pieţii interne
10 01 2012
This paper will discuss the evolution of the ECJ’s case law on the field of sports betting and gambling. Member States remain competent to regulate gambling and sports betting and to structure their national policies on these areas. The gambling and sports betting market is part of the internal market and as a matter of fact is subjected to the rules guaranteeing the smooth operation of the internal market. The case law of the ECJ will be dis...
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