Poate constitui instituţia logodnei element al patrimoniului cultural imaterial?
05 01 2022
The study will be divided into two sections: the first section will be devoted to the notion of “national cultural heritage” and the second section to engagement.In the first section entitled Introductory considerations on the notion of “national cultural heritage” we will present how the literature and legislation in the field define the notions of: national cultural heritage, tangible national cultural heritage and intangible national c...
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Timpul de repaus – necesitatea formulării unei trimiteri preliminare la Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
04 01 2018
The decision to send a preliminary reference to the ECJ belongs to the national judge, if there is a doubt on the interpretation of a rule contained in an European Union act. The article argues on the need for a uniform interpretation by the ECJ on the provisions on daily rest of the Directive 2003/88/EU.The paper analyses the factual and legal situation in the context of preliminary reference principles on the necessity to send prelimi...
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Dreptul de acces al persoanei vizate în jurisprudenţa relevantă
04 01 2018
The right of access is placed at top of the rights of the person concerned. This situation results in greater accountability of the operator or the person empowered by the operator as well as the data protection officer.
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Elemente privind reglementarea consimțământului în prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, potrivit art. 6 din Regulamentul nr. 2016/679
05 01 2017
The article considers elements of consent, as they are regulated by art. 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the person who has given his/her consent in regards to the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specific purposes. Issues regarding the transition from the old to the new legislation such as the processing of private data that has been obtained before the Regulation was enforced have also been taken into consideration. ...
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Importanţa trimiterilor preliminare în materia protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal. Cauze semnificative şi experienţe româneşti
04 01 2017
The preliminary ruling references made by Romanian courts or the refusal to make a reference are elements of the judicial relationship between the national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to art. 267 TFEU. The article analyses the reference for a preliminary ruling made by the Court of Appeal from Cluj (C-201/14, Bara and Others). The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of applying and interpr...
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