Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: rezoluțiune unilaterală extrajudicară

Timbrajul special în cazul rezoluțiunii unilaterale extrajudiciare și al rezoluțiunii de drept
03 01 2017
The new Civil Code innovates the sanction of contract rescission as far as substantial law is concerned, but an adaptation of the procedural law occurs as well, Government Emergency Ordinance nr. 80/2013 concerning the judicial stamp duty being enacted especially in order to adapt the payment of tax to the new judicial institutions created by this legal norms codex. By excluding the institution of finding the unilateral extrajudicial rescissio...
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Transferul acțiunilor într-o societate comercială
This article approaches the issue of the transfer of the property right over the shares of a company, concentrating especially on the sale transfer. There are also analyzed various forms of transfer based on the size of the stake, type of the company, finance of the transaction, as well as fiscal aspects. Declaration in the company’s registries is not a specific form of transfer, but a way of making the transfer opposable to the issuer, as a ...
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