Răspunderea membrilor organelor de administrare ale societăţii insolvente (Partea I – Răspunderea în procedura de drept comun)
02 01 2024
Personal liability of the directors towards the creditors follows the liability of the legal person, the one that is damaged by the torts of the directors, so that it aims to reintegrate the corporate assets. The damage thus affects the legal person and only indirectly and implicitly the creditors, the latter being the recipients of the compensation only in the case of the judicial liquidation of the legal person.The personal liability c...
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Dovedirea încălcărilor aduse dreptului de autor prin utilizarea capcanelor
04 01 2014
Traps are formal, deliberately wrong elements, that certain authors use in order to detect a possibly unauthorized reproduction of their work, the occurrence of such an error in two or more works being likely to cause a simple presumption of illegal copying. The fundamental role of traps comes within the scope of evidence, in a potential claim form covering the liability in tort of the author of such an illegal act.The paper discusses t...
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Consideraţii privind răspunderea civilă delictuală în domeniul bursier cu privire la fapte ilicite ce ţin de nerespectarea regimului informaţional
11 01 2013
Tort liability in the capital markets field for failure to comply with the transparency obligations set out in regulations is currently a mostly theoretical topic of research as cases involving such liability are not brought to court because of various reasons, one of which being the lack of clarity and efficiency of the Romanian legislation in this field. Although failure to comply with the transparency obligations is not a rare occurrence o...
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