Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: răspundere civilă

Repararea prejudiciului în materia fondurilor europene: oricând, oricum și de câte ori dorește creditorul?
The panoply of legal instruments which the legislator consecrates for reparation of damage and who cares to several branches of law can instill to the creditor the illusion of the possibility of simultaneously resorting to all of them or of establishing an order of their use according to subjective criteria.A concrete example in this regard will be analyzed in the present study and it concerns the matter of non-reimbursable funds face t...
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Răspunderea juridică a inteligenţei artificiale în materia comerţului electronic
03 01 2021
We speak of Artificial Intelligence with reference to the ability of a machine to reproduce typically human intellectual functions. In this particular field, enormous progress has been made in recent years, leading to the creation of more and more human-like-machine. This circumstances is not without legal consequences: how to behave in the event that an action of a machine equipped with Artificial Intelligence leads to the occurrence of a cri...
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Relevanţa elementului subiectiv în ipoteza abuzului de drept
It is well-known that, in principle, no person entitled to a civil subjective right can be held liable for the damage caused by exercising that particular right. However, the principle of good faith and the obligation which is the result of it requires that the exercise of any civil subjective right respects its rigor. On the one hand, this means that the civil subjective right must be exercised for the purpose that has been recognized by law a...
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