Procedura prealabilă a medierii şi regularizarea cererii de chemare în judecată în lumina noului Cod de procedură civilă
04 01 2013
Along with the entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code, the regularization procedure of the statement of claim and the preliminary procedure of mediation, that were optional under the previous regulation, became mandatory with several circumstantiation. A brief analysis of the new regulation is highly necessary.Within this study, many questions to be asked in the near future by both law practitioners and litigants are risen and...
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Originile medierii
05 01 2012
“Mediation represents a way of resolving disputes amicably, with the assistance of a third party specialized as a mediator, in terms of neutrality, impartiality, confidentiality and with the free consent of the parties. Mediation is based on the trust that the parties give to the mediator, as a person fit to facilitate their negotiations and to support them in order to resolve the dispute, by reaching a mutually acceptable, effective and last...
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