Reorganizarea persoanei juridice în viziunea Noului Cod civil
07 01 2015
This article’s purpose is to perform a comparative analysis between the procedure of restructuring the legal persons as set by the old regulations before the new Civil Code, and the present procedure set by the latter – with the aim to identify and observe the common elements, as well as the particulars of the new regulation.The author also related to the provisions of some special regulations, in particular of Companies Law no. 31/...
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Reflectarea principiilor guvernanţei corporatiste în legislaţia societară
12 01 2014
A modern society, where the corporate bodies are the main vectors of the economic life, needs solid rules to promote financial stability and to ensure that the companies are truly accountable not only to their shareholders but also to build and maintain public trust in companies and in their day to day management for the public benefit. This presentation aims to evaluate the enactment in the Romanian legislation, with special regard to the Comp...
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Unele aspecte referitoare la interpretarea art. 132 alin. (3) din Legea nr. 31/1990 în funcție de poziția acționarului/asociatului față de adunarea generală care adoptă hotărârea contestată
12 01 2014
Art. 132(3) of the republished Companies Law no. 31/1990, as subsequently amended and supplemented, regulates the legal action brought against the general decision of shareholders when absolute nullity reasons are invoked. What art. 132(3) does not clarify, unlike par. (2) thereof, regulating the hypothesis of the action for the annulment of the decision of the general meeting for relative nullity reasons, is whether the shareholder’s position...
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Practicile şi clauzele contractuale abuzive între profesionişti
02 01 2014
Regulations of unfair contractual terms and practices are a relatively new field in the relations between companies. However, its importance should not be overviewed considering the high potential risk arising from it. There are a number of legislative provisions granting to the unfair terms and practices between professionals its due importance.Both European and national regulations incline to regulate more profoundly the relations betw...
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