Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: leasing

Natura juridică și fundamentul acțiunii directe a utilizatorului din contractul de leasing împotriva furnizorului bunului în contextul O.G. nr. 51/1997 și al noului Cod civil
01 01 2020
The lease is one of the most important and frequent legal operations that we find in the Romanian trade. However, the legislature did not consider it necessary to establish this legal operation within the contracts regulated by the new Civil Code.The direct action of the user is expressly regulated by art. 12 of O.G. 51/1997, but, unfortunately, we find only a few doctrinal points regarding this legal mechanism.In this re...
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Particularităţi ale creanţelor împotriva averii debitorului insolvent rezultate din contractele de leasing
Leasing contracts are useful tools for many companies in regard to their activity. Easy to complete and often containing credit conditions more relaxed than the conditions needed in obtaining a bank loan, these agreements are included in the trade funds for a significant number of companies that go insolvent.
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