Deschiderea procedurii de insolvenţă faţă de pârât. Natura juridică a soluţiilor de suspendare și încetare prevăzute de art. 75 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 85/2014. Sistematizarea soluţiilor care pot fi pronunţate în primă instanţă, apel sau recurs în acţiunea în pretenţii de drept comun
02 01 2024
My main goal writing this article was to organize the possible rulings in a regular civil claim procedure against an undertaking which became subject to an insolvency procedure. In order to achieve my goal, I analyzed the nature of the judgments of stay and closing imposed by art. 75 paragraph 1 from Law no. 85/2014.I concluded that both stay, and closing, are part of the same automatic stay international principle, and not two independe...
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Cum scriu
03 01 2020
For the most part, added value comes from a new perspective, most often identifiable in other systems of law or even in other fi elds of study. However much we might wish otherwise, it is exceptionally rare that we can claim paternity over a question of law. Almost always, in its substance, the researched problem will have been formulated before, perhaps in other words, in other times, in a different place or with a different starting point. C...
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Scriem așa cum citim
03 01 2020
When you manage to get closer different fields, the outcome is exponentially more valuable that bigot loyalty to a single style.
judge, judicial decision, case-law, review.
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Acţiunea în anulare a hotărârii arbitrale în cazul caducităţii arbitrajului
02 01 2018
This article discusses one of the grounds for which the arbitral award may be set aside through the action for annulment, particularly the reason of rendering the award after the expiry of the term of the arbitration, although at least one of the parties has declared that it intends to avail itself of the lapse of the term of arbitration and the parties have not agreed to continuing the procedure. The article covers the requirements for admiss...
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Interpretarea Convenţiei de la Viena asupra contractelor de vânzare internaţională de mărfuri de către Curtea de Arbitraj Comercial Internaţional de pe lângă Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a României
01 01 2016
The interpretation of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods by the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania is made through the analysis of recent case law. The paper examines more than 40 arbitral awards. The analysis takes into account both ratione personae and ratione materiae of the Convention.
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Câteva aspecte de noutate aduse de noul Cod de procedură civilă în procedura arbitrală
02 01 2014
The article presents the issues that the current Code of Civil Procedure clarifies with regard to certain doctrinal and arbitral jurisprudence controversies, as well as the way of implementing some solutions of arbitral practice at the legislative level.
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