De la obsolescenţă programată la inteligenţă umană declasată – the AI conquest
04 01 2024
For now, artificial intelligence is bland, boring. But is it also harmful? The convenience of users, but also the sometimes unhealthy assertion of artificial intelligence tools leads us to conclude that from the obsolescence of goods to theobsolescence of the individual is only a step.
The recent Directive 825 of February 28, 2024 appears to oppose unfair commercial practices likely to mislead consumers, such as sustainable consump...
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Finanţarea structurilor sportive în România
03 01 2024
A significant and intricate component of Romanian sports law involves financing the activity of sports structures. In Romania, an overwhelming majority of sports structures are funded from public sources. Whether we refer to public or private law sports structures, both have the capacity to benefit from public funds allocated by Romanian state through projects for non-profit activities of general interest, financing contracts, or subsidies, due...
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Lex sportiva – o introducere
01 01 2024
Sports can not take place outside the law according to the latin quote „Ubi societas, ubi jus”. The difference between the sports law and other domains is that sports law attempted permanently to establish a autonomous system which encompasses rules, regulations and specialized sport jurisdictions. With all the attempts to achieve a greater autonomy, cannot function in a completely separate manner to the existing legal system...
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Consideraţii privind societăţile sportive pe acţiuni
02 01 2014
The article deals with some basic problems of the special regulation of the joint-stock companies active in the field of sports. A special and derogatory legal regime of these companies is justified. But the current regulation should be modernized, adapted to the current legal, economic and social conditions. Law on the one hand should support the establishment of these joint-stock companies, setting clear criteria and procedures, on the othe...
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