Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: dobândă

Despre admisibilitatea acordării de împrumuturi bănești cu dobândă de către persoane fizice și juridice, altele decât cele autorizate în condițiile legii
The main goal of this study was to perform a research on the interpretation and application of art. 2158 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, especially in the activity of natural persons. The research plan drawn up for such purpose, considered first of all, the presentation of the general aspects of money loan, and subsequently the examination of the restrictions imposed to loan granting with interest for natural or legal persons, who do not perform...
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Clauze abuzive în contractele de credit, așa cum rezultă din practica judiciară
03 01 2016
After the intensification of the banking credit activity in the latter part of the 2000s, the economic crisis, the devaluation of the national currency and the decline of the purchasing power, the consumers that were parts in the credit contracts initiated legal actions against the commercial banks.Although the national legislation came into force several years before, the disputes in the matter of the protection of the consumer law issu...
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Contul curent al profesioniștilor: contract sau situație juridică?
The bank current account contract plays a very important part with regard to the operational activity of companies. The challenges affecting its conclusion and, moreover, its performance raise the question whether, despite the regulation of the Civil Code, one is not rather dealing with a legal situation. Also, the analysis of the bank current account contract requires its legal qualification from the perspective of the account beneficiary’s w...
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