Drepturile morale ale artistului.
Perspectiva jurisprudențială
01 01 2017
Perspectiva jurisprudențială
This study, part of a broader project aiming to analyze the rights of the artists and their status, render an overview of the moral rights of the Romanian artists, analyzing how these have been interpreted jurisprudentially in the French and the Romanian space in order to have a better understanding of their content.
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Regimul juridic aplicabil informaţiilor privilegiate în contextul legislaţiei româneşti privind piaţa de capital
05 01 2013
This study aims to examine the current state of national regulations on insider information, as well as their legal status. The highly technical nature of this study compels us to explain and analyze, at the same time, some key concepts for understanding the subject.Without trying to fully investigate the subject matter, the paper starts with an overview of the American background which created for the first time the need to regulate the ...
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