Procedura de insolvenţă pe bază de plan de rambursare a datoriilor
02 01 2024
The definition of the administrative procedure sought to relieve the courts, by transferring to the insolvency commissions the role of mediator between the debtors and the creditors for the realization of a debt repayment plan through which most of the debts are covered or even in full but without accessories, in a reasonable period.
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Infracțiunile de bancrută (III). Articolul 241 C. pen. – Bancruta frauduloasă
07 01 2016
This study, in three parts, is dedicated to the bankruptcy crimes, simple and fraudulent, and regulated by articles art. 240-241 pf the Penal Code. This third part approaches the fraudulent bankruptcy crime. The active subject, although, de jure, not qualified, de facto is an executive within the debtor-legal person. Legal object is analyzed through the constitutive content of the infraction, which regulates three alternative ways of accomplis...
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