Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea creditorilor – controverse și soluţii
06 01 2021
The opening of insolvency proceedings upon the creditors request should not raise any problems, given that the legal regulation contained in Law no. 85/2014 seems clear. In this sense, the conditions that the creditors’ claims must meet in order to open the insolvency procedure against the debtor are those provided by art. 5 point 20 and art. 5 point 72 of the Law no. 85/2014.However, there are still controversies relating, inter...
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea debitorului. Obligaţia debitorului de a formula cererea
03 01 2017
The opening of insolvency procedure on debtor’s request is done either when he finds insufficient funds available for the payment of due debts or when he finds that he will not be able to pay at the due date the due debts incurred with the money funds available at maturity
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