Drepturile patrimoniale ale artistului (II). Dreptul de suită
04 01 2017
This study, representing the second part of a broader project aiming to analyze the content of the rights of the artists and their status, render an overview of the patrimonial rights of the Romanian artists: use right and the resale right. The controversial resale right representing a neuralgic point of imbalance between the interests of the artist and those of the owner of the work of art, either plastic or photographic.
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Drepturile patrimoniale ale artistului. Dreptul de utilizare (I)
02 01 2017
This study, part of a broader project aiming to analyze the content of the rights of the artists and their status, render an overview of the patrimonial rights of the Romanian artists: the use right and the resale right.
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Drepturile morale ale artistului.
Perspectiva jurisprudențială
Perspectiva jurisprudențială
01 01 2017
This study, part of a broader project aiming to analyze the rights of the artists and their status, render an overview of the moral rights of the Romanian artists, analyzing how these have been interpreted jurisprudentially in the French and the Romanian space in order to have a better understanding of their content.
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