Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: adevăr

Rolul judecătorului în aflarea adevărului în procesul civil și cel penal
The role of the judge is currently viewed with a certain degree of skepticism by society in general, especially due to the procrastination of judicial disputes brought to trial, but few litigants are aware of the judge’s work behind the scene.This is precisely the reason why we have chosen to treat in three distinct levels what characterizes the role of a judge in a pending trial, choosing to treat both from a doctrinal and jurisprudenti...
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Cum scriu o hotărâre?
Any judicial decision is a narrative, a story about finding the truth. The search for the truth is a difficult task, since the pieces of evidence, regarded as the signs that the facts have left, seldom tell us a unique and coherent story. The interpretation of the law is no easier task, either; from all the interpretation methods available, I choose the literal interpretation over the teleological one, as it saves me from the pitfalls of my own...
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