Infracțiunile de bancrută (III). Articolul 241 C. pen. – Bancruta frauduloasă
07 01 2016
This study, in three parts, is dedicated to the bankruptcy crimes, simple and fraudulent, and regulated by articles art. 240-241 pf the Penal Code. This third part approaches the fraudulent bankruptcy crime. The active subject, although, de jure, not qualified, de facto is an executive within the debtor-legal person. Legal object is analyzed through the constitutive content of the infraction, which regulates three alternative ways of accomplis...
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Desprinderea reglementată de art. 2501 din Legea societăţilor – între divizare şi aport la capital
12 01 2014
The article outlines the institution of separation of patrimony as regulated by the Companies Law no. 31/1990 in the context of analyzing the rules on division from a historical perspective, as well as from the perspective of European law and comparative law. It analyzes the separation of patrimony for the company’s benefit and the contribution in kind of a company, the distinction between the separation of patrimony and the contribution in k...
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