Jurisprudenţă comentată a C.N.S.C. Preţurile preluate copy paste de pe un site și justificarea preţului aparent neobișnuit de scăzut în achiziţiile publice
04 01 2020
The Romanian National Council for Solving Complaints confirms that the mere submission of an e-mail without any identifi cation data does not account for a conclusive proof to justify an abnormally low tender. In a similar vein, a mere sworn statement from the bidder mentioning a discount received from the producer without any other proof should be disregarded by the contracting entity.Furthermore, if the producer in question even express...
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Discuţie în legătură cu exercitarea căilor de atac împotriva deciziilor Consiliului Naţional de Soluţionare a Contestaţiilor în lumina recentei modificări a Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 34/2006 operată prin Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 51/2014
10 01 2014
The legal-jurisdictional chain drive in our country has shown a series of controversial issues regarding the review procedures against the decisions issued by the National Councils for Solving Complaints, issues that are of common knowledge to the public procurement experts. Despite of these facts, which were subject matter to a series of amendments, brought to the G.E.O. no. 34/2006, the aim of this article is not to summarize or resume the ...
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Aplicarea dreptului concurenţei în procedurile privind achiziţiile publice
06 01 2013
This article aims at analysing the specific issues that may arise in the public procurement proceedings, with a focus on bid-rigging practices and the behaviour of public authorities as forms of anticompetitive conducts expressly regulated by the Competition Act no. 21/1996. Moreover, given the recent practice of the Competition Council, the authors have also presented the particularities of relevant markets definition in the case of anticompe...
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