Lex sportiva – o introducere
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Sports can not take place outside the law according to the latin quote „Ubi societas, ubi jus”. The difference between the sports law and other domains is that sports law attempted permanently to establish a autonomous system which encompasses rules, regulations and specialized sport jurisdictions. With all the attempts to achieve a greater autonomy, cannot function in a completely separate manner to the existing legal system...
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Broșura Conferinței-dreptul-afacerilor-impactul-juridic-al-digitalizarii
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Un an cu executări silite individuale în procedura colectivă de insolvență. Aspecte jurisprudențiale
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The amendments to the Insolvency Law brought by GEO 88/2018 destabilized this field and affected the very reason of the insolvency procedure transforming it from a purely collective procedure, into a procedure that allows the individual recovery of the receivables of the tax creditors through individual enforcements.The wave of enforcements initiated under this ordinance has entailed a series of practical problems and questions left una...
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