Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (II)
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
In this second part of the analysis regarding the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code the authors review the regulation and practical utility of the unilateral resolution and of the resolutory clauses, insisting on the regulation and consequences of the de jure operation of resolution in certain situations.
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Mecanismele de guvernanţă a întreprinderilor de stat în reglementarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 109/2011 privind guvernanţa corporativă a întreprinderilor publice
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
It is an undisputable fact that state-owned enterprises have become, in the last two decades, a black hole of the national economy, which absorbs far more public resources than it creates. Under the recent agreements with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, the Romanian government undertook the obligation to privatise the most significant state -owned enterprises in its portfolio.As a prerequisite for...
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Aplicarea legii străine în cadrul contractelor între rezidenţi români. Notă critică la decizia ÎCCJ, secția comercială, nr. 1167 din 15 martie 2007
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
In accordance with decision no. 1167/2007 of ÎCCJ, the foreign law is not enforceable in the case of the contracts concluded between the Romanian residents carrying out their full activity on the territory of Romania, without any other foreign or intrinsic element . The author of this paper pleads in favour of the recognition, as valid, of the contractual clauses for the designation of a foreign law in the above-mentioned contracts.
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Cauze fiscale româneşti pendinte pe rolul Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
For the first 5 years following the accesion to the European Union, the Romanian tax courts proved pretty shy when it came to referring tax cases to Luxembourg (except for the widely-spread car registration tax cases).However, in 2011 and 2012, a number of cases have been sent to the Court of Justice of the European Union. The affairs concern mainly the fields of VAT, excise duties and car registration taxes. It seems, however, that this...
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Dreptul creditării – între dependenţă şi autonomie (I)
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
The present paper is a debate on the status of a branch science, called credit law, which strongly signals its place in the law system. The author considers that the object of banking law refers to the two notions constituting the essence of commercial law: the production, commerce or services provision activity (replacing , in the new Civil Code, the notion of “commercial acts”) and the professionals (a notion completing that of traders). ...
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Decizia Comisiei Europene din 20 iulie 2010 cu privire la o procedură în baza Articolului 101 din Tratatul pentru Funcţionarea Uniunii Europene şi a Articolului 53 din Acordul SEE (cazul COMP/38.866 – Fosfaţii furajeri)
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
The paper presents the way in which the European Commission applied the transaction procedure in its second case ended by a transaction – case COMP/38866, Animal Feed Phosphates. This is the first case (and the only one so far) in which the Commission ended the investigation by a transaction even if only some of the parties under investigation transactioned (the so-called hybrid case).
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