Articole din categoria: Anul 2024

Spontaneitatea și gestionarea anxietăţii
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Spontaneity is considered a quality of talented speakers. In reality, it can be an attribute of any speaker who understands that to act naturally, one must control anxiety – the restlessness and excessive worry that paralyze initiative. Effective anxiety management is essential to allow spontaneous expression and take advantage of opportunities. In this context, it is important to know the most important methods to break the chains of anxiety a...
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Responsabilitatea extinsă a producătorului – mecanism de gestionare a deșeurilor
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Waste management in the Republic of Moldova needs improvements andtransformation into sustainable materials management. This transformation is necessary to protect, conserve, and enhance environmental quality and ensure human health protection. Additionally, it is crucial for the prudent, efficient, and rational use of natural resources, promoting circular economy principles, and supporting the use of renewable energy sources. These chang...
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Digitalizarea vs Incidentele de Integritate în Administraţia Publică
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Digitalization in public administration promises greater efficiency and transparency. Digitalization facilitates access to information and processes, thereby reducing opportunities for corrupt acts and increasing accountability. Moreover, digital solutions can help prevent corruption by monitoring transactions and detecting suspicious activity. However, there are risks associated with data security, and integrity incidents can occur when info...
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Managing the risk arising from defective products and e-commerce in a comparative perspective
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The paper aims to provide some remarks on the topic of managing the risk of third-party manufacturers placing defective products on the market through e-commerce and online marketplaces. Starting with considerations regarding the role that e-commerce platforms play in the market, this paper will analyze how the European policymaker addresses these issues in the text of the revised directive on liability for defective products, as approved by t...
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Notarii vs blockchain
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
We are all preparing for the technological revolution. Never in history has man been more affected by the extremely rapid changes happening around him. Of these, blockchain technology seems to have the biggest impact, being likened, not infrequently, to the fizz we all knew when the internet came into being. But unlike the internet, blockchain affects our lives much more visibly. It not only gives us access to information, but also the ability...
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Restrângerea nejustificată a dreptului de a fi reprezentat la înmatricularea autovehiculelor precum și perturbarea mediului concurenţial prin procedura prevăzută în Ordinul M.A.I. nr. 1501/2006
This study analyses the impact of unjustified restrictions on the right to be represented in the vehicle registration procedure and the disruption of the competitive environment through the procedures set out in Order of Ministry of Internal Affair no 1501/2006. By assessing the legislation and administrative practices in this area, we identify discrepancies between the rules imposed and the stated objectives of ensuring fairness and efficienc...
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Aplicaţiile de recunoaștere facială în context legal
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
This work presents a face detection application, which is governed by users, through an app. Each user can upload pictures of themselves in the app and then give consent for processing. The app will then train a computer vision AI model based on the inputs provided by the user. Once this process is finished, the user can request the app to search the internet for their face. Afterwards, the user can decide what should the system do in case of p...
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Finanţarea structurilor sportive în România
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
A significant and intricate component of Romanian sports law involves financing the activity of sports structures. In Romania, an overwhelming majority of sports structures are funded from public sources. Whether we refer to public or private law sports structures, both have the capacity to benefit from public funds allocated by Romanian state through projects for non-profit activities of general interest, financing contracts, or subsidies, due...
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The data protection in the metaverse
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The article examines the metaverse, detailing its user profiles and legal challenges. It highlights data protection principles and privacy concerns unique to virtual environments. Emphasis is placed on data minimisation strategies to safeguard user privacy, concluding with the necessity for robust regulatory measures to ensure ethical development of the metaverse.
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Contracts concluded by electronic means in Georgian Law: the path towards europeanization
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The Law of Georgia dated 14 March 2008 „On Electronic Signature and Electronic Document” was abolished by the Law of Georgia dated 21 April 2017 „On Electronic Documents and Electronic Trust Services”.The reason for developing the new law was that its predecessor was adopted in 2008, after which some factual circumstances in Georgia changed substantially.The purpose of the current law is to determine the legal mechanisms for the us...
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