Reflecţii critice asupra unei practici judiciare neunitare privind aplicarea prevederilor legale ce guvernează dizolvarea și lichidarea simultană a societăţilor, (art. 235 din Legea nr. 31/1990)
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
If the associates of the limited liability company are in agreement regarding the allocation and liquidation of the assets of the company and if they warrant payment of company’s debts or provide for a settlement of receivables with the company’s creditors, the Company Law allows them to decide, concomitantly with the dissolution of the company, the means to liquidate the company and, by their unanimous vote, to decide upon distribution, betw...
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Executarea silită a părţilor sociale. Scurte consideraţii
Numărul 11 Anul 2016
The survey examines the shares enforcement procedure, the rules and restrictions resulted from the observance of the legal status of these securities.
shares, enforcement, public tender, affectio societatis
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Despre patrimoniul de afectațiune profesională
Numărul 6 Anul 2016
The professional patrimony is a juridical fiction based upon which the lawmaker grants a special legal regime to a fraction of the patrimony of a professional, destined for the exercise of a certain profession. This paper aims to reflect the complexity of the relations that reunite various assets, rights and obligations of the professional as well as the consequences of this legal construction, with reference to the special and unique destina...
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Reflectarea principiilor guvernanţei corporatiste în legislaţia societară
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
A modern society, where the corporate bodies are the main vectors of the economic life, needs solid rules to promote financial stability and to ensure that the companies are truly accountable not only to their shareholders but also to build and maintain public trust in companies and in their day to day management for the public benefit. This presentation aims to evaluate the enactment in the Romanian legislation, with special regard to the Comp...
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Retragerea asociaţilor. Certitudini, dileme, soluţii
Numărul 6 Anul 2014
During the incipient period of application of companies’ legislation, legal issues concerning the formation, organization and development of trade companies’ activities were examined preeminently by scholars and courts, since that was a time of creation and hope; events like withdrawal or expulsion of an associate were marginal issues that were disrupting the corporate harmony and not so often met în practice.The economic crisis affected...
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