Expirarea (duratei) mandatului administratorului societății (comerciale)
Numărul 8 Anul 2016
The issue regarding the effects arising from the termination of the administrator’s mandate has received different answers in the business practices and, in particular, in the case law, which requires doctrinal clarifications.Our purpose hereby is essentially to determine whether, following the termination of their mandate, the administrator – representative of a company – keeps or not such capacity given that the company has not appoint...
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Transferul de afacere
Numărul 7 Anul 2016
The literature has approached the issue of the transfer of business either from a fiscal perspective or when discussing the insolvency procedure, as method to restructure or capitalize the assets of the insolvent debtor or in terms of its connection to the rights of the employees from the transferred company.Therefore, we plan to conduct a comprehensive analysis of this juridical notion, in particular as regards its significance and sco...
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Cesiunea părţilor sociale sau retragerea asociatului din societatea cu răspundere limitată?
Numărul 7 Anul 2014
The paper will analyze the issues relating to the distinct regulation of the main cause of losing the shareholder status in a limited liability company, namely the transfer of shares and the withdrawal of a shareholder from the company.In practice, it is essential to correctly qualify the manner in which a shareholder withdraws from a limited liability company, the transfer of shares or the shareholder’s withdrawal, and in this paper we ...
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Patrimoniul de afectaţiune –instrument în derularea afacerilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2014
The patrimony by appropriation represents an instrument in business operation, even the business itself, therefore it is required to regulate it in accordance with the requirements modern economy.This paper analyses and proposes some solutions for the problems of the patrimony by appropriation as instrument by the dint of which a business is operated, as a modern patrimony management technique and as an instrument for limiting commercial...
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